Palo Santo - Single

Palo Santo - Single


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Removes negative energy, clearing & cleansing.

1 x Palo Santo stick

Also known as 'Holy Wood'  has an aromatic, woody scent hinting of lemon and mint, along with the ability to bring peace, calm and clarity to a situation or place. 

1 x White Sage 

A plant whose scent is revered for its ability to purify, protect and elevate space. Its Latin name is Salvia Apiana, translates to 'healing plant' It is widely used by Native Americans for its healing purpose.


How To Use:

Simply light the end of the stick of Palo Santo or Sage until it starts to produce smoke. You can then use the smoke to cleanse the Aura of a person by holding it close to and around the body, allowing the smoke to surround them.

Alternatively when cleansing a room simply walk around the room allowing the smoke to flow. While doing so hold the intention that you are purifying the person or room of any negative energies or emotions, making room for more light to enter. The sticks will burn out easily so you may re-light them as you go to keep them smouldering or allow them to go out once you have finished, ready for their next use.



Over 90% of Silk Oil of Morocco products are proudly manufactured in Australia. Using naturally derived and certified organic ingredients wherever possible Silk Oil of Morocco products are cruelty and vegan friendly.